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If you or someone close to you were injured or threatened with injury in a violent crime, the California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) may help pay certain crime-related expenses.  In Riverside County, The District Attorney's Office contracts with CalVCB to provide local claim approval and verification service, which means victims and local services providers receive streamlined assistance in the processing of state victim compensation claims.  The Claims Unit can work with Victim Services Specialists and CalVCB to assist victims and their families with claims.


The application for Crime Victim Compensation can be found here: CalVCB Application.  In lieu of submitting your application online to CalVCB, you can e-mail your completed forms to [email protected] or in person at of our Office locations for processing by a Riverside Claims Staff member. 

Contact The Division of Victim Services Claims Unit at 951.955.5460 or by Email: [email protected] to assist with your questions regarding claims.

California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB):

To be eligible for compensation, a person must be a victim of a qualifying crime involving physical injury or death.  For certain crimes, emotional injury alone is enough to qualify.  Certain family members and loved ones who suffer an economic loss from an injury to, or death of, a victim of a crime may also be eligible for compensation.  There are limits on how much can be paid for each crime related expense. Here are some examples of covered expenses:

  • Crime scene clean up
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Home or vehicle modifications for victims who became disabled
  • Medical and dental treatment
  • Income loss
  • Mental health services
  • Relocation
  • Residential security

*All expenses are subject to rates and limitations set by CalVCB

See CalVCB Homepage for more information on eligibility.