Download Forms:
- English - RivCo Conviction Review Application
- English - Special Prosecution Complaint Form
- Spanish - Forma Para Entablar Una Queja
- English - Real Estate Fraud Complaint Form
- Spanish - Formulario De Quejas de Fraude de Bienes Raices
PACE Assistance
Under the terms of the settlement reached in the matter The People of the State of California v. Renovate America, Inc., Case No. 1904068 filed in Riverside County, Renovate America was ordered to pay funds to be used to provide legal advice and assistance for California consumers with PACE-related legal and financing issues. The case was jointly prosecuted by the Riverside, San Diego, Kern, Napa, Monterey and Santa Cruz District Attorneys’ Offices and the San Diego City Attorney’s Office.
In December 2020, Renovate America filed for bankruptcy, which is currently pending in Delaware. All payments pursuant to the above mentioned settlement have been suspended.
If you feel you have a claim against Renovate America or another PACE financing company and would like to speak with a lawyer about your specific situation, you may retain private counsel or contact one of the legal assistance programs described above. The following list includes legal assistance programs that have previously provided assistance:
110 S. Euclid Ave.
San Diego, CA 92114
(877) 534-2524
2115 Kern Street, Suite 200
(800) 675-8001
1430 Franklin Street, Suite 103
Oakland, CA 94612
(800) 337-0690
3950 Broadway, Suite 200
Oakland, CA 94611
(510) 271-8443
3950 Broadway, Suite 200
Oakland, CA 94611
(510) 271-8443
1950 University Ave., Suite 200
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 548-4040
We recommend you immediately take whatever private action you deem appropriate to protect and enforce your rights. Depending on when you entered your contract, you may have legal deadlines that require you to take legal action within a certain time period.
Environmental crimes
should be reported to the Riverside County Department of Environmental Health: