At the Bureau of Investigation we have made changes to the process for our retirees to participate in our range qualifications. Retirees will be allowed access to our quarterly range qualifications. Ammunition and any other cost pertaining to the retirees qualification will be the sole responsibility of the retiree. Notification of range participation and all retiree forms must be submitted seven days prior to the range date.
Submitting forms
You can either mail or drop off forms to Riverside County District Attorney's Office 3960 Orange Street Riverside, CA 92501; Attn: Bureau Range Personnel
Please ensure all forms are completely filled out and signed and/or initialed in the proper spaces. Incomplete forms may cause a delay in the process and prevent you from participating at the range.
Notification of participation at upcoming range dates
Contact the Riverside bureau's main line at 951.955.5430.
Updating contact information
To update your contact information, contact the Riverside bureau's main line at 951.955.5430.