DA Mike Hestrin announces 2023 Excellence In Justice Award recipients

March 4, 2024
COUNTYWIDE – The Riverside County District Attorney's Office celebrated the exceptional
accomplishments and dedication of its employees at the highly anticipated annual awards banquet
held on Friday, March 1, 2024. The event, which honors the commitment to justice and service to
the community, showcased the remarkable achievements of individuals who have gone above and
beyond in their roles.
"Every day, the dedicated individuals of the District Attorney's Office tirelessly champion the
cause of justice for victims throughout Riverside County," DA Mike Hestrin said. "The recipients of
this year's Excellence in Justice Awards exemplify excellence and unwavering commitment in
their service to our community.”
The 2023 Excellence in Justice Awards banquet, formally called PRIDE, was held at the
Monteleone Meadows in Murietta. The cost of the banquet was covered by funds raised through
office-held fundraisers and sponsors.
Listed below are the 2023 award recipients:
Prosecutor of the Year: Sarah Crowley
Prosecutor of the Year: Samantha Paixao
SPR Prosecutor of the Year: Kacey Sutton
Filing Prosecutor of the Year: Cheryl Singerton
Misdemeanor Prosecutor of the Year: Kevin Roeder
Misdemeanor Prosecutor of the Year: Carly Rustebakke
Paralegal of the Year: Brandy Garza
Paralegal of the Year: Bronwen Vasquez
Investigator of the Year: Marck Carroll
Technician of the Year: Esmar Anguiano
Victim Services Specialist of the Year: Julio Perez
Administration Employee of the Year: Jayli Barkley
Clerical Employee of the Year: Araceli Hernandez
Community Hero of the Year: Ed Ortega & Robert Ramirez
DA Leadership Award: Jerry Pfohl
DA Leadership Award: Michael Romney
Eastern Region Group Award: Homicide Unit/Vehicular Homicide Team
Western Region Group Award: Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit
Mid-County Group Award: Complaints-Records Management
Special Prosecutions Region Group Award: Child Abduction Unit
Countywide Group Award: Environmental Crimes Unit Investigators
As the event concluded, District Attorney Mike Hestrin expressed his appreciation to all
employees for their continued dedication and hard work, reaffirming the office’s commitment to
upholding justice and serving the community members of Riverside County.